To go along with what is becoming our ongoing feature series on Outdoor 3D Art including 3D chalk art Julian Beever and 3D Sidewalk Art...
Sidewalk artists | Rod Tryon
Rod Tryon has been adorning the streets of the world with his chalk drawings for more than 20 years, and was first inspired to try anam...
kurt wenner | Renaissance classicism
Kurt Wenner‘s ability to transform Renaissance classicism into 3D street art is unparalleled and has made him the top anamorphic street...
3D street painting artist César Paredes
César Paredes , a 3D street painting artist in Peru creating fine street paintings. live in Lima, the capital city in the province of L...
How to do 3d chalk art
Super Mario - 3D Chalk Art by chris carlson
3D Sidewalk Art by Nikolaj Arndt
Using chalk and pigment, Germany-based artist Nikolaj Arndt creates magnificent 3D illustrations on the pavement of city streets. Just ...
Underworld of Johnnie Walker by manfred stader
3d advertising manfred stader johnnie walker
3d art at Singapore's Changi International Airport by Kurt Wenner
You might forgive fellow travelers at Singapore's Changi International Airport for doing something this summer that rushing passenge...
Mixamo 3D Chalk Art
Imagine your projects mingling the traditional 400 year old art form of chalk art, animated characters in an interactive, virtual environ...
Kurt Wenner's eye-popping sidewalk art
'The Flying Carpet' by Kurt Wenner - Kids, please don't do that at home!!
3D Chalk Drawings by Mr. Hou
Mr. Hou is a talented Chinese artist famous for his memorable 3D drawings . For his creative street art, internet fans have labeled hi...
Adventures of Sluggo by David Zinn
Meet Sluggo – a green semi-subterranean inhabitant of Ann Arbor, Michigan. This strange little creature first appeared back in 2008 on a ...
Swimming-pool by julian beever
Beever's self-proclaimed best-known drawing is his "Swimming-pool on High Street." "My art is for anybody. It's f...
Big Bowl of Wontons by Tracy Lee Stum
Also meant to be an interactive painting, this 7' x 16' mural was completed in 2006 at Langham Place Street Art Festival in Hong ...
Pinole Valley Road by John Wehrle
Completed in 2002, this 20,000-square-foot painting—located under Interstate 80 between residential neighborhoods in Pinole, California—r...
3D giant snail by julian
This photo was taken somewhere in Europe, and I can’t believe I never saw it before – specially since the author behind it is one and onl...
Street Art on Sarasota Chalk Festival
On a Sarasota Chalk Festival. By Leon Keer, Peter Westerink, Ruben Poncia and Remko van Schaik. Design was made by: Leon Keer.
By Leon Keer - Sarosata chlak art festival , Florida
“The image is a metaphor for the forgotten playfulness in life, never forget to explore your creativity by keeping your inner child clos...
Sidewalk chalk 3d art In Chiang Mai, Thailand
Spanish artist, Juandres Vera created this piece in Chiang Mai in Thailand in March this year. Photo by Fredo Reedoo .